Hello Everyone,

Recently, I’ve been nominated by Laura from Laura Spoonie Blogs for the Blogger Recognition Blog. However, this isn’t the first time I’ve been nominated for this award. From way back, many months ago, I was nominated by Holly from Life of a Blind Girl and Elin from My Blurred World for this award as well. So, here I am, acknowledging all three of you lovely ladies for the nomination, Thank you very much! And, don’t forget to go check out Laura, Holly and Elin’s blogs, they are all amazing bloggers!

So, first things first, the rules for this award are:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you.
  • Write a blog post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Nominate some bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them, and provide the link to the post you’ve created.

Whoa! That’s a LOT of rules, but ANYWAYS…

The Story of My Blog

I wrote my very first blog in April of 2016, about one month after I launched The Invisible Vision Project, first as an online platform to share my journey living with Vision Loss on Facebook, (also just about half a year post my Vision Loss Acceptance Journey). Of course, the initial intention of my blog was also focused on my life with a Visual Impairment. However, I quickly realized, I’m more than my Vision Loss. I have hobbies, interests, life lessons I’ve learned and a lot more I want to share with my followers and readers of my blog. So, I started writing blogs in areas other than my Visual Impairment.

To be honest, I was very hesitant to start writing blogs and, there were many reasons for this. I feared that there’d be no one to read my blogs. I also worried about what people would say about my content, and especially, about my writing style. If you know me in person, you probably heard me saying this at least once, that is when I say, “I’m such a terrible writer.” and I say it a lot. Well, this is kind of true, at least, I’m not a confident writer. And that’s because, English isn’t my first language, and therefore, I’m not as proficient as the native writers. And also, knowing that, most of my blogger friends are either love writing or writing is their strength. But, knowing that I’m either as passionate nor that I’m GOOD AT writing, it made my blogging journey a little nerve racking and difficult at first. However, something I’ll say is this: I found my writing skills to have improved so much since I started blogging. And, not just in blogging alone, but in academic as well. In which, this is definitely something worth celebrating!

Even though, I’ve been a blogger for about two and half years now, I’ve still got a long way to go. I’m constantly learning, improving and sharpening my “wonky” writing. But, at least, I’m trying, little by little, and giving myself some credit in my writing. So, please be nice to me, and especially, be nice to my writing!

Advices for New Bloggers

My first piece of advice for new bloggers is: just start. Yes, this may sound easy and even irresponsible, but it’s true. Put your anxiety, fear and worry away, just start writing! When I first started blogging, I literally thought that there’d be NO ONE there to read my blogs. Well, that may not be entirely true, I did have friends in real life that were interested in reading my blogs, but that was about it. Although, I still don’t have a HUGE reader or followers on my blog but, what’s certain is that my blog is constantly growing. So, it’s absolutely OK if you’re starting a blog and you don’t have a huge audience at first. You will build that number up, as long as you don’t give up!

My second piece of advice for new bloggers is: your blog is your own space, it doesn’t matter what other people say. So, what I mean by this? Sometimes, as your blog grows, you’ll find many people out there giving you a lot of different opinions on/about how your blog. Sometimes, those ideas or opinions are good but other times, they may not be all that helpful. Hence, what’s important to keep in mind is that this is your blog, and you are in full control of what you want to do with it (within reason). You should only share or write about what you’re most comfortable sharing. And, not to be pressured to share something you aren’t willing or aren’t comfortable.

And finally, I nominate the following bloggers for the Blogger Recognition Award:

Amanda Gene
White Cane Gamer
Just Elm
My Everyday Challenges
Cane and Able
Helen’s Journey
White Stick Bloke
Cane Adventures

Thank you Laura, Holly and Elin for the nomination and, thank you all for reading to the end!

By: The Invisible Vision Project



10 responses to “Blogger Recognition Award”

  1. Laura Spoonie Avatar

    Well done hun, congrats on three nominations. I also agree with the points that you didn’t feel confident in your writing. Although my first language is English, I’m Dyslexic so really struggle with comprehension. To me, your writing is lovely, easy to read and well thought out.

    “Put your anxiety, fear and worry away, just start writing!” – So true
    If we don’t go for it we won’t ever know what we’re capable of and can’t grow. Also, the community is so encouraging and glad to have the opportunity to read your thoughts and connect with you. (Sorry for the essay Lol)

    Continue to grow sweetie 🌻❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The Invisible Vision Project Avatar

      Thank you for the lovely comment and the nomination!! 💕


  2. Helen's Journey Avatar

    Congratulations on the award and thank you for nominating me for it also!
    Respect due for writing in English when it isn’t your first language – that is an incredible achievement (I certainly couldn’t write more than hello, goodbye or yes please in another language lol) so it is something to be very proud of and the fact it helped your writing in your studies is an added extra award! 😉
    Keep shinning a light on your disability but also your abilities too as I love that you share all the things you do in life, hobbies, lessons etc also.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Invisible Vision Project Avatar

      Thank you so much for the comment!! 😊💕

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Debajit Ghosh Avatar

    Congratulations 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Debajit Ghosh Avatar

        My pleasure.🤗


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